Sunday, 31 March 2013

We need to gather as a large group

To fight the MCF, all those who have had sustained the abuse of the MCF workers power, please  lets gather together as a large group.
We can fight them , with a Class Action Law Suit.
 They have saved some kids, (sure). But destroyed families needlessly.
And this is what we must stand up for together.
Post comment, lets create a group, until we have enough of us to start this.


  1. Far too often the parents aren’t allowed to challenge the reports in court — even though the ‘experts’, rather than practising in clinics and seeing patients, may earn all their living from writing such reports, and endorsing what the social workers want them to say.

    Judges are then presented with allegations made against the parents based on no more than the wildest hearsay. Such allegations elsewhere in our legal system would instantly be ruled inadmissible. But because of the secrecy of the family courts system, the parents are not permitted to even question these claims and the media is denied the opportunity to present them for scrutiny

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  2. Yes!

    Very few . other than that '10,000th Mother' or father .. with a voice and still some semblance of some sanity, after all of the familial blasphemy .. ever hazard to peep out of hiding .. to stop the hush and deadly furor quiet.

    Thank you. to sign my petition .. re; MCFD ..

    one very lonely and ostracized mother

  3. I am ready!

    Let's begin.

    Bless us, all!!!!

    mother of and in ... Love
