Sunday, 31 March 2013

Trauma after effects

As a child coming from various unhealthy environments continues to grow and enter into new stages of life, he or she may not being able to rise to a given challenge; they in turn run from any such challenge. “Too often they have major learning blocks as they avoid any stimuli evocative of painful feelings and indirectly generalize these to whole subject areas.  Learning requires curiosity and risk-taking, qualities which can be too dangerous to the narcissistically damaged child” (Katz 214).  As a result of experiencing repeated traumatizing events in the biological and foster home, older children who receive no treatment for psychological scaring suffer adverse effects.  “Older children who have been repeatedly traumatized suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and automatically freeze when they feel anxious, and therefore are considered oppositional or defiant by those who interact with them” (American… par. 14).  Lawrence B. Smith, a child, adolescent, adult and family therapist writes in The Washington Patent Magazine that, “Children with this disorder have a generalized distrust of others, particularly authority figures, who are seen as exploitive.  They see themselves as defective victims of life and accept no responsibility for anything.  Despite this outward presentation, internally they fell responsible for everything bad that happens” (Smith par. 1).  Children receiving no treatment for the effects of attachment disorder only continue through life unable to form healthy relationships and successfully meet any sort of challenge that may be presented.

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